Tuesday, May 20, 2008

web 2.0 awards list(zillow)

Zillow.com is a real estate web site. I was able to enter my address and zillow provided me with a map of the surrounding area and local house prices. It knew my square footage and how many bedrooms and bathrooms. I was not happy with the estimated price, as it was a little lower than I paid for my home. Our economy is terrible! This site was very interesting and allowed me to see what other homes in the neigborhood are going for.


Anonymous said...

I guess that for people like me that are renting I am glad the housing market is coming down. But zillow is a great site and I did some searching around and was very easy to use.

Scott Sailor, EdD ATC said...

I imagine I could be pretty depressed if I look at my house price right now. Oh well.

Scott Sailor, EdD ATC said...

Yea! I just checked out zillow. I think I actually owe less then the value of my house. Scarry how close the picture gets.

Richard Robertson said...

It sounds like a kelly blue book for houses. I almost bought a house 2 years ago near the peak of the market. Thank god I did not pull the trigger.

ehernandez said...

Sounds like a cool website don't know if I will use it because I don't want to be depressed.